Am I Entitled to My Native Design Files?
Let’s talk about native graphic design files.
We are pleased to extend graphic design services to our clients, but want to be clear about what is and is not included.
When you agree to work with us on a project, we are charging you for the final product; not the original files or components used to create the project. Final products may include brochures, branding guides, posters, booklets, and even website design. This artwork is typically formatted to your pre-press specifications or otherwise digitally output as the final product.
What are native files, and do I need them?
All of the parts for your graphic design project like images, filters, fonts, and drafts we use are considered the “native files”. These are also known as the “source files” for your final design. The common client will never need them.
The native source files are editable files from graphic design programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and others. Native files are considered valuable because they are created during the designer’s process and can be used to create similar works or edited versions of the final piece. Remember, you are purchasing the final product, which has been priced accordingly; not the designer’s digital toolkit used to create it which would cost significantly more if sold.
While the client has ownership of the final product, the intellectual rights to all of the other design pieces remain the property of the designer. This is due to the inclusion of expertise, purchased fonts, filters, templates, images, design elements, and vendor license agreements which may not be transferred.
In other words, “You can purchase the cupcakes, but the recipe and pans are not for sale."
How do I know what formats I get?
To maintain clear communication, we clearly specify the delivery method (typically PDF, JPG, or EPS, not source files) in our client service agreement for every new project. After all, we are communicators and owe it to our clients to always be transparent and upfront about our services. We are happy to discuss any specific requests prior to starting your project.